Category: Mutual Fund NAV

NAV Report of Global IME Balanced Fund I (GIBF1) for Kartik

NAV Report of Global IME Balanced Fund I (GIBF1) for Kartik

The NAV report of Global IME Balanced Fund – 1 for Kartik has been released. This closed-ended mutual fund has a 10-year maturity period with a fund s [...]
NAV Report of NMB Capital Mutual Funds for Kartik 2081

NAV Report of NMB Capital Mutual Funds for Kartik 2081

NMB Capital has released its three Mutual fund Schemes NAV reports: NMB Saral Bachat Fund - E, NMB 50, and NMB Sulav Investment Fund - II. These repor [...]
Performance Overview of NIC Asia Capital’s Mutual Funds for Kartik

Performance Overview of NIC Asia Capital’s Mutual Funds for Kartik

NIC Asia Capital manages six mutual funds, and the NAV report for all these funds has been published for the month of Kartik. This report provides [...]
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