Citizens Capital Published NAV Report of Its Mutual Fund Scheme for Mangsir-2081


Citizens Capital Published NAV Report of Its Mutual Fund Scheme for Mangsir-2081

Citizens Capital Limited has published the NAV report for all its mutual fund schemes for the month of Mangsir 2081. Overall, the NAVs have decreased compared to the previous month.

Citizens Super 30 Mutual Fund (C30MF)

C30MF is a closed-ended mutual fund with a maturity period of 10 years. The fund has published its NAV report for the month of Mangsir, reporting a decline in NAV to Rs. 10.86, down from Rs. 11.25 in the previous month. Citizens Super 30 Mutual Fund has a fund size of Rs. 75.07 crore.


  • Rs. 57.14 crore in listed shares.
  • Rs. 6 crore in fixed return assets.
  • Rs. 3.25 crore in debentures.
  • Bank balance of Rs. 14.87 crore.

The net profit of this fund for Mangsir declined to Rs. 6.12 crore whereas the net profit in the previous month was Rs. 9.07 crore.

Citizens Super 30 Mutual Fund (C30MF) NAV Report of Mangsir

Citizens Mutual Fund-1 (CMF1)

CMF1 a closed-ended mutual fund scheme with a maturity period of 7 years has published the NAV for mangsir. The NAV for this month decreased to Rs. 11.36 from Rs. 11.50 in Kartik. CMF1 began with a fund size of Rs. 82 crore, and has made the following investments:


  • Rs. 22.98 crore in listed shares.
  • Rs. 3 crore in fixed return assets.
  • Rs. 17.50 crore in debentures.
  • Bank balance of Rs. 46.72 crore.

The net profit for Mangsir stood at Rs. 10.77 crore, compared to Rs. 11.91 crore in Kartik.

Citizens Mutual Fund-1 (CMF1) NAV Report for Mangsir

Citizens Mutual Fund-2 (CMF2)
CMF2 is the second mutual fund scheme by Citizens Capital Limited. CMF2 is a closed-end scheme with a maturity period of 7 years. The NAV for Mangsir declined to Rs. 10.98 from Rs. 11.34 in Kartik. This scheme started with a fund size of Rs. 56 crore and has invested heavily in listed shares and other financial instruments.


  • Rs. 50.31 crore in listed shares.
  • Rs. 9.41 crore in debentures.
  • Bank balance of Rs. 2.02 crore.

The net profit till Mangsir stood at Rs. 5.30 crore, a decrease from Rs. 7.32 crore in the previous month.

Citizens Mutual Fund-2 (CMF2) NAV Report of MAngsir