ICRA Nepal Limited has assigned a rating of [ICRANP-IR] B+ to Lumbini Cable Car Limited. This rating indicates that the company faces a high probability of default in meeting its financial obligations.
Overview of the Rating
- The [ICRANP-IR] B+ rating reflects the company’s overall creditworthiness and is not tied to any specific debt instrument.
- It signifies financial challenges that place the company in a high-risk category.
Understanding ICRA Nepal’s Rating Scale
ICRA Nepal uses a scale ranging from [ICRANP-IR] AA (indicating the lowest risk) to [ICRANP-IR] C (indicating the highest risk of default). “+” or “-” signs within each category show the issuer’s position relative to others in the same group.
- [ICRANP-IR] B+ is ranked slightly higher than [ICRANP-IR] B.
- [ICRANP-IR] B- is ranked slightly lower than [ICRANP-IR] B.
This rating offers stakeholders valuable insights into the company’s financial standing, helping them evaluate potential risks and make informed decisions.